
Make a note

I feel you, Colm.   I’m reading a Murderbot novelette, and I keep having ideas for my space opera series — not even the novel I’m supposed to be actually finishing now, that I’m almost done revising, but the related series that is just a big jumbled mess, and which I wasn’t planing to even

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In the hotel bar

I’m in my hotel bar, having a cider and reading the next Murderbot book, and the guys chatting at the other end are speaking in a language I don’t know, maybe Danish or some such, but then they said ‘Game of Thrones’ and a few minutes later ‘sci-fi’ and now I’m intensely curious what they’re

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Moth repairs

Scenes from day 3 of a cold, when I was too sick to take on anything ambitious, but starting to get restless from not accomplishing very much for days. (This was Friday. Today, two days later, I have been mostly in a TERRIBLE mood about how little I’ve gotten done over the weekend, and have

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A lot of the domestic things I do are forgiving. If I forget the cardamom, the beef curry will still be fine. If I don’t get around to pruning the roses for a week or two, they’ll survive. I tend to prefer crochet over knitting, because crochet hides the mistakes a little better, and I

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Sometimes we are not running around. Sometimes we are just yarning and singing. Jed and I have a history of doing a lot of singing in the car, but it turns out that while he’s helping me wind a skein is also a perfect time for singing. Christmas carols at the moment, but it’s often

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