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- Survivor, forthcoming Lethe Press 2017
- WisCon Chronicles 9: Intersections and Alliances, Aqueduct Press, 2015
- The Stars Change, Circlet Press, 2013
- Without a Map, with Nnedi Okorafor, Aqueduct Press, 2010
- The Poet’s Journey, Serendib Press, 2008
- Bodies in Motion, HarperCollins, hardcover 2005 hardcover, (also translated editions in France, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Germany, and Serbia), paperback 2006
- Silence and the Word, fiction and poetry, Lethe Press, 2004
- A Taste of Serendib: A Sri Lankan Cookbook, Lethe Press, 2003
- The Best of Strange Horizons: Year One, ed., Lethe Press, 2003
- Kathryn in the City, Penguin, 2003
- The Classics Professor, Penguin, 2003
- Wet, Random House, Crown, ed. 2002
- Aqua Erotica, ed., Random House, Crown, 2000
- Torn Shapes of Desire, IAM, 1997
Anthologies and Magazines:
- “Plea,” Lightspeed, forthcoming
- Webs, Asimov’s, July 2016
- “Firestarter,” Myriad Lands, Guardbridge Books, 2016
- “Jump Space,” How to Live on Other Planets, Upper Rubber Boot Books, 2015
- “The Devouring Night,” Truancy 1, 2015
- “Communion,” Clarkesworld, 2014
- “Ties That Bind,” Lowball, 2014
- “Hunting for Mangoes,” Milk Rice 2, Pereira Hussein Press, Sri Lanka, 2013
- “The Marrying Kind,” Alchemy: the Second Tranquebar Book of Erotic Short Stories, December 2012
- “The Princess in the Forest,” Breaking the Bow: Speculative fiction inspired by The Ramayana, 2012
- “Birthstones,” Out! Stories from the New Queer India, 2012
- “Jump Space” and “Morningsong”, Nobilis Erotica podcast, episode #239, 2011
- “Hunting for Mangoes,” Keystrokes vol. 2, 2011
- “Hunting for Mangoes,” World Folktales Series, A Hundred Ravens Press, 2011
- “Sanctuary,” Fort Freak, 2011
- “Talking to Elephants,” Abyss & Apex, 2010
- “Jump Space,” Thoughtcrime Experiments, 2009
- “Sequins,” Tumbarumba, 2008
- “Counting to Ten,” Catamaran, 2006
- “Pieces of the Heart,” Fishnet (audio), 2006
- “The Marrying Kind,” Aqua Erotica 2, 2005
- “Lakshmi’s Diary,” Oasis, 2004
- “A Gentle Man,” Harpur Palate, 2003
- “Wild Roses,” The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica, 2003
- “Seven Cups of Water,” Erotic Travel Tales 2, 2003
- “How It Started,” Best Lesbian Erotica 2003
- “Wild Roses,” Ripe Fruit, 2002
- “And Baby Makes Four,” Best Bisexual Erotica 2, 2002; Clean Sheets, 2002
- “Season of Marriage,” Erotic Travel Tales, 2001
- “The Survey,” The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica, 2001
- “Silence and the Word,” Sex and Single Girls, 2000
- “Seven Cups of Water,” Aqua Erotica, 2000
- “Johnny’s Story,” Desires, 2000
- “Would You Live For Me?,” A Taste of Midnight, 2000
- “Esthely Blue,” Wicked Words 3, 2000
- “Kali,” Best Women’s Erotica, 2000
- “Fleeing Gods,” Best American Erotica: 1999, 1999
- “Season of Marriage,” Herotica 6, 1999
- “Kali,” Batteries Not Included, 1999
- “Chantal,” “Composition in Cream and Chocolate,” “A More Congenial Spot,” All in Your Mind, 1999
- “Letter Found Near a Suicide,” Blowfish Update, 1999; Getting It!, 1999
- “Season of Marriage,” “Minal in Winter,” Sulekha, 1999
- “Girl Behind the Fantasy,” Hot Off the Net, 1998
- “A Jewel of a Woman,” “Just Reading News,” Sex Toy Tales, 1998
- “Attraction,” Scarlet Letters, 1998
- “Making the Sale,” “Caught Between Two Women,” “Metari Nights,” “Temptation,” “Interplanet Janet,” “A Jewel of a Murder,” “the Journal of Rebecca Talor,” “The Fall,” Puritan, 1993-1998
- “A Dream of Wolves,” Fleeing Gods,” “Goddess Blessing,” Whispers & Shouts, 1998
- “Attraction,” “Blind,” Sensual Aspirations, 1997
- “Fleeing Gods,” Sex Magick II, 1997
- “Goddess Blessing,” Floating Worlds, 1996
- “Attraction,” The Original Sin, 1994
- “From Oak Park to D.C.,” Wednesday Journal, February 1, 2017
- “Carrie Fisher and Leia: A Legacy of Strength,” December 2016
- “This is Our Work: What Star Trek Asks of Us,” Uncanny Magazine, 2016
- “Navigating Masculinity: A Roundtable,” WisCon Chronicles 9: Intersections and Alliances, 2015
- Nimoy and Spock: Reflections and Farewells, Strange Horizons, 2015
- Don’t You Want to Be Normal,” essay, DAME Magazine and Salon, 2015
- “Eggplant and Unicorns,” Queers Destroy Fantasy!, Lightspeed, 2015
- “Seven Ways of Looking at Captain Jack,” with Jed Hartman, Queers Dig Time Lords, Mad Norwegian Press, forthcoming 2013
- “Lotta and Bindi: Dolls for a Biracial Child,” Wondertime, forthcoming
- “Trouble Coming,”Keystrokes vol. 1, November 2010
- “RaceFail Parts 1 & 2,” Whatever, 2009
- “The Arrival,”Catamaran, 2008
- A variety of short pieces, Chicago Moms’ Blog, 2007-2010
- “Revised Itineraries,” South Asian Review, volume 27, #3, December 2006
- “Silence and the Word,” Sex and Single Girls, 2000
- “Learning the Hour,” poem in United Nations SRC Society of
Writers anthology in honour of the International Day of Happiness 2015
- “As We Wait to Learn Their Names,” “The Monday After,” “Four Days After the Shooting,” (poems), Northeast Review, India.
- “Catch Me If You Can,” The Exquisite Corpuscle, 2009
- “Beneath the Lemon Tree,” Speculon, 2001
- “In Spring,” “Puzzle from Hell,” “Listening to My Daughter,” “Textures,” translated to Italian, La India, d’ell Anima, 2000
- “The Dance is In the Blood,” Monsoon Magazine, 1999
- “Melting,” “God’s Body,” “Her Body Awakens,” “Listening to My Daughter,” “Rainsong,” Boloji, 1999
- “My Corporation is a Jealous Lover,” “Cosmo Questionnaire,” Scarlet Letters, 1999
- “Sri Lanka, Summer of ’95,” Sulekha, 1999
- “Confessions of a 26 year-old Porn Writer,” Scarlet Letters, 1998
- “The Tummy — A Cautionary Tale,” Parents and Children Together On-line, 1997
- “Echoes II,” “Blue Spring Thinking,” “Cobalt Blue,” “Unabashed Paean,” MAKAR, 1996
- “City — Everyone Alone in the Crowd,” “Edges of Hyde Park,” Aim Magazine vol 21:3, 1994
- “Eighteen,” “Eternity in His Eyes,” COSAW Bulletin (Committee on South Asian Women), vol. 9 (1-4), 1994
- “Confession,” “Hymn,” Eidos Magazine, vol. 8:1, 1994
- “Even Arthur Would Forgive,” Etranger, 1994
- “Message on the Machine,” SAMAR, 1994
- “Activists,” “Desire,” Anything That Moves, 1993
- “Fraying Edges,” “Passive, Tense,” The Poetic Knight, 1993
- “Chance Meeting,” “Eternity in His Eyes,” Guild Press: Full Circle Series 14, 1993
- “Dual Vision,” “Desire,” The Bi Monthly, 1992
- “The Yellow Dress” (staged reading), Rasaka Theatre, 2009
- “Silence and the Word,” “White Sheets,” and “Under the Skin” to Yoni ki Baat, collaborative work performed January 2 – February 1 2009 by the Rasaka Theatre Company, Chicago