Little bits of CapriCon

Little bits of CapriCon — after my two panels yesterday afternoon, Cecilia Tan and I ordered takeout to her room and we had a nice two hour catch-up before her panel. Lots of personal talk, lots of professional talk. In some ways, there’s a lot of overlap between her writing career and mine, so it’s particularly illuminating, talking to her.

I’m going to be interviewing her for the SLF this evening, so that should be interesting. More Cecilia. Excellent. Also, the Asian pear juice was yummy — it had pulpy real pear at the bottom.

Foggy on the drive in — grabbed a few quick pics. Chicago is so beautiful, sometimes I forget. This morning we had the Deep Dish mini reading, which went really well, I thought. With luck, we’ll collect some more names for people who want to come and read with us at the regular reading series, and I think we told a lot more folks about what the SLF does. Publicity is SO HARD. But we’re trying.

I read too — the opening to “Expulsion,” and I sent people to Sunday Morning Transport to find out what happens next. Fran Wilde, we recorded it, so once Darius has a chance to edit it, we can probably shoot you a clip you can use for social media promotion if you want…

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