Sending Books Overseas

Serendib team meeting at the house yesterday:

• started prepping for the spring sale (details soon)
• reviewed the to-do list for Vegan Serendib (copyediting and indexing right now, finalizing paper choices and cover design)
• made plans to put out two little sampler e-books in May (Serendib Cocktail & Serendib Teatime)
• packed up various thank-you items for the SLF membership drive (set of my books that I’m donating, pins, tote bags) and shipped them out.

Well, almost shipped them out — the books are going overseas, and we didn’t actually get a country from the recipient, so we need to confirm that, so we’ll ship them shortly, and if anyone knows a secret way to send books affordably overseas, let me know? Media mail doesn’t work, right? This is a more expensive donation that I’d originally planned, but ah well. I suppose I could’ve said US-only, but that seems chintzy and sort of sad.

Also made a new batch of marshmallows for the spring Patreon treat boxes — blackcurrant & lemon. Yummy. I’m aiming for some ‘fairy-like’ flavors for this box, I’m thinking we might try vanilla & violets next…

Oh, speaking of the SLF membership drive, we’re up to 49 members, I think! The drive ends tomorrow — we’d love to hit 50. Well, what we’d really love is a rush of last-minute members joining us. 🙂

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