I’ll be coming to San…

I'll be coming to San Francisco thrice in the next few months. Next weekend, for Tim and Heather's wedding, Christmas with Kevin's folks, and December 9th, for a benefit for the Sri Lankan Children's Fund. I hesitated about agreeing to do the latter, given time and tiredness, but that's a few weeks after Kriti, so I should have had some time to recover by then. And when they asked me, I just couldn't say no. Those poor kids.

Leaving in an hour for a reading in Salt Lake City. Back tomorrow night. May not have much e-mail access in between.

The SLF 2005 Travel Grant is currently open for applications, but the deadline is rapidly approaching.

SLF travel grants are awarded to assist writers (speculative fiction, poetry, drama, creative nonfiction) in their research. They are not currently available for academic research. We are currently offering one $600 travel grant, to be used to cover airfare, lodging, and/or other travel expenses.

Details of where to apply can be found at http://www.speculativeliterature.org/Awards/SLFTravelGrant.php

The closing period for the 2005 grant is September 30th 2005. The winner will be notified by October 15th 2005.

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