So I think I'm pretty caught up on sleep, but the apartment is a disaster, there are eight zillion loads of laundry waiting for me, a bunch of my friends are in town for Nebula weekend so I want to go find them, Ben's coming to stay here, Nilofer's having a birthday party tonight that I said I'd try to stop by to, and there are various urgent paperwork things I need to do, so maybe it would have been better if I hadn't gone back to sleep. But I suspect I really needed the sleep, and really, it's fine if I don't get everything done today. People will cope. Ben will hopefully not care that this place is a disaster and that he'll have to pick his way over suitcases to find a spot to sleep in. It'll all be fine.
I need more tea.
Welcome home! And have a great time at the Nebulas. And say hi to everyone for me.