I need to get cranking on the academic job application process for the 2005-06 academic year. Revise my c.v. and cover letter, start researching jobs in AWP's job list. Of course, it may end up being just like last year, and I won't even get any interviews. But I'm casting a wider net this time (I only applied in Chicago last year), and I'm in a significantly better position, with the HarperCollins book deal. We'll see what happens once I write a hundred or so applications...
When Kevin applied for jobs out of grad school, he applied for three hundred positions. Oof. I think he got two offers out of that.
The plan is to apply everywhere feasible in the Chicago area, and then for good jobs elsewhere. I.e., if Stanford offered me a job, I'd definitely take it; if Mills College offered me a job, I'd probably take it; if a community college here in Chicago offered me a job, I might take it, but I probably won't be applying for community college jobs outside Chicago. If I don't get a good distant job or any kind of local academic job, then I'll just stay home and write for as long as Kevin will let me. :-)
If I get a good distant job, then I'll take it and Kev will look for a good job in the same geographic area. This may, of course, mean that Kev and I end up living apart again for a year or two while we try to find academic positions in the same place. The idea is stressful, but we've been very solid for a while now, and I'm pretty sure we'd survive the distance. I think.
It's clearly the right thing to do career-wise. Just a bit worrisome. And I'd miss him like crazy, of course.
Dang, I keep forgetting about AWP. I’m looking for similar work, though I’m first casting my net within Canada. Thanks for the reminder!
Check MLA’s job list too, Nalo. That’s on my list for later this week. They sometimes list positions AWP doesn’t, oddly enough.