Bodies in Motion - manuscript draft 3
Part One - The Immigrants
- Bodies in Motion - needs major revision in draft 4
- Savitha - needs major revision in draft 4
- Marry in Haste - send first draft to Katie and Francois
- Lakshmi's Diary - done, submitting to short fiction markets
- Acts of Faith - remind Katie, ask for opinion on first draft
- Pieces of the Heart - done, submitting to short fiction markets
- Other Cities - done, submitting to short fiction markets
- The Princess in the Forest - needs major revision in draft 4
Part Two - Those Who Stayed
- Seven Cups of Water - done, published in Aqua Erotica
- Sister Mary - done, submitting to short fiction markets
Part Three - The Emigrants
- A Gentle Man - done, published in Harpur Palate
- The Emigrant - needs major revision in draft 4
- Ashok's Story (unwritten) - write
- Mangoes with Chili - send first draft to Katie and Francois
- Tightness in the Chest - done, submitting to short fiction markets
- Mint in Your Throat - remind Katie to look at it, comment on one voice or two
- Challah (unwritten) - write
- Minal in Winter - done, published in Sulekha
Part Four - Across the Water
- Monsoon Day - done, submitting to short fiction markets