Killing time at work this week, wishing it were Christmas break already? Avoiding writing that term paper? Take a look at our new draft page for the
Speculative Literature Foundation, and help me fill in the many blanks. What resources do you know of that would be helpful to writers, editors, readers, teachers? Where can we find them online?
The Encyclopedia Mythica — it’s not wholly complete or accurate, but it’s a damn fine source of mythology stuff. I use it requently as a starting point for names and stuff.
A few quick ideas:
1. List of “writer centric” (i.e. lit centric) conferences (Wiscon, World Fantasy, ISFA etc) – as well, perhaps non-genre conferences of interest to writers? (i.e. literary focused academic conferences etc)
2. List of Genre specific and genre friendly bookstores, especially independants – i.e. resources for planning a book tour or at least doing promotion in your local area or areas traveling to. For the “big” chain stores, perhaps contact info for whoever organizes their in store signings etc.
3. Resources around book publicity/promotion in general – perhaps genre friendly agents etc, but I seem to recall (but don’t have the links handy) some resources online for authors in general (and some specificly focused on genre writers) for book promotions.
4. Again, seems very basic and may overlap with some of the market lists, but perhaps a list of the publishers publishing books “in the field” – especially one that listed presses such as Lethe and others as well as the “big” guys.
5. Another seemingly basic item, but potentially very useful – lists of onling genre resources – such as Locus etc that could be of great use especially to someone new or fairly new to the field. More specifically perhaps offer some guidance about what lists, discussion groups, websites etc to follow to get a good sense of what is being written, purchased, and published (and by whom for all three)
5. A few very basic items as well – but in and amongst the lists will there be sections about the Foundation? links to member’s own websites? Links to conferences at which parties are planned (or other related events?)
6. A list of awards (perhaps in and out of genre) which writers should be aware of, ideally including a quick description for anyone who is not familier with the particular award (Nebula vs. Hugo vs. Tiptree vs. Campbell etc.)
7. Not sure if this is in or outside of the mission, but have you considered any lists of resources for other forms of media than short story (magazine, book, online) and book? i.e. TV, Film, Games etc? Are there any resources that someone write say Hypertext should be pointed towards? (art magazines who publish hypertext for example, art conferences or galleries that might purchase it? museumes that might host it? etc)
Looks to be a good resource, already lots for me to explore. 🙂
It’s been quite some time since i’d been to your site… as always, i wonder what took me so long to come back 😉
Anyway… in response to your request in this post: Have you considered linking up M.I.T.’s Open Courseware? Their OCW project has been amazing. If you don’t know about it, I encourage you to check it out. MIT offers up all the courses that are taught there, free for anyone who wants to use them. They have a section in the course listings for Writing and Humanistic Studies. I thought it might be a useful addition to your Academic section. 🙂
Stephen King’s book, “On Writing” is a wonderful, interesting resource.
Two articles that I’ve read and found very interesting are: Seven Habits of Highly Effective Book Marketers and The Ten Rules of Writing. I may not agree completely with either author, but I did find both gave me things to think on.
Also there’s NaNoWriMo which isn’t a resource, but some people might find it an intriguing concept.
You’ve been someone that I’ve looked up to for a very long time. Thank you for being a wonderful inspiration. May the holidays find you safe, loved and happy.
Under academic orgs/conferences:
Science Fiction Research Association
“Dedicated to the study and teaching of science fiction”