And neither is Kevin. :-)
I only have about ten minutes right now, then I need to go roust the boy and get dressed and go meet an old friend to wander around our high school and then have lunch. So no detailed recap. But the short version is that this visit is going about as well as I could have hoped -- maybe even a little better, honestly. Kevin had gotten mostly over his cold by the time he arrived, so he a) could be in a reasonably outgoing and cheerful mood (by which I mean that he actually responded in sentences, rather than monosyllables, the latter being the usual case when he is sick, stressed, or excessively tired). And b) he also had enough appetite back that he could eat at least a full plate at every meal, which is pretty much an essential requirement for getting the women in our family to like you. (There are a lot of women to please -- my mother, and aunts Priya, Marina, Teri, Benita, and Raji being the relevant ones at this Thanksgiving. I'm reminded of Bertie Wooster and his terror of Aunts, but really, mine are all very nice.)
Kevin wasn't the only one being good -- despite some initial nervousness all around (we're still not sure why everyone was so nervous), everyone else was on their best behavior -- friendly, outgoing, and managing to restrain themselves from overly-personal and prying questions that they'd like to ask. :-) So cheerfulness was the order of the day, and welcomingness, and people said lots of nice things, and the aunts especially approved of Kev helping so much with cooking (they're not so used to that in their men), and even my dad seemed reasonably happy with him -- "He seems like a nice boy." Yes, I think so.
Okay, time for rousting. More sooner, I promise. We go home tomorrow. I may sleep for an entire day then -- and fasting is sounding oddly appealing at the moment.