The only other factor of interest is that I'm having a birthday party tomorrow, which I know, is far in advance of my actual birthday. Almost two weeks early, in fact. But I wanted Sharmi to be able to come, and she's out of town on the weekend of the 20th. So there you go. Besides, Jed already gave me my birthday present, so it's not my fault if things are starting a bit early this year. :-) (Whose fault it really is that Jed gave me my present so early? We won't discuss that...)
As usual, Amazon has my updated wish list -- and bopping over there, I see that they've hidden stuff on it from me! Which means, yay!, someone has been buying me presents! Gosh, this kind of stuff always makes me feel like I'm about two years old. :-) Anyway, if you go there and do a wish list search for my name, it should pop right up.
This has been your duly-scheduled Mary Anne-birthday announcement. Expect the next announcement in a year or so. :-)
…or if you don’t want to bother with the drudgery of searching, you can go directly to the wish list.