Yesterday was a work day -- tons of e-mail backlog (still more to go! eep!), workshop prep (manuscripts and craft discussion), and in between all that, some blank book-making. I have a whole bunch of Thai silks lying around, left over from various projects, and they're just perfect for making books. I also have a fair bit of old jewelry that I never wear anymore, and I really like the technique of embedding them in the cover. It takes a little longer than a standard book, but the result is so pretty! There are eighteen interior pages to the purple book, made of watercolor paper -- suitable for painting or sketching or writing on.
I also like just making simple books. This is a series I'm hoping to sell together -- the colors seem seasonal to me. It's called "spring/summer/autumn/winter" (all of these have fourteen pages each). I like giving my books and art projects names. :-) Not sure what to name the previous one -- "purple book"? "crystal teardrop"? Everything I'm coming up with just sounds a bit goofy. Okay, more than a bit...
Anyway, as usual these are available for pre-sale to journal readers at special discounted prices. Just ask.