Been puttering on various little things -- I have a long list of tiny tasks. Send out SH illo request letters (one done, one to go), call tons of people, consider doing a fellowship app. A whole host. I took a little time to organize my tupperware/baking dish cupboard (really, it needed organizing) and put a copy of And Baby Makes Four up on the published stories page. This is the piece I read last week, for the Best Bi Erotica 2 launch. It was a little awkward reading it -- it's not quite as sharp as I would have liked. Clunky in places. But still, I think it's kind of charming, and unusual. I find this threesome fascinating; part of me really wants to take some time and write their novel. I think it'll be a while before I get to that, though. I'm getting to know them pretty well, but I have no idea what their novel should look like.
Back to work.