I'm so sleepy. We didn't end up watching a movie; instead, Debby read her new X-Men book, and I finished the Carroll. I wanted to finish it, but perhaps that wasn't wise -- it was lovely for the first two-thirds or so, and then it got darker and darker and darker. After The Marriage of Sticks, I begin to wonder if the man can write a happy book. But his turns of phrase are often delightful, and his characterization is very true, especially regarding romantic relationships. Which I also found depressing at the moment, and perhaps I won't read another Carroll book anytime soon, as they make me simultaneously long for happy endings and want to call Kevin up and yell at him for not being a different person or some such nonsense. But if you're not in the midst of romantic angst, and if you can stand an occasional dark turn to your fantasy, I recommend them to you highly.
Now I will go curl up in my pyjamas in their guest bed, and try to avoid calling Kevin by reading something else. Perhaps Tom Swift will pull me up into a better mood. I don't think there's anything romantic at all in those books...