Zak is having server difficulties, but he claims his site will be accessible again shortly. Fingers crossed.
Not much else in the news at the moment, I think. Oh wait -- Xmas presents have started coming in and going out. That's rather lovely. Doug and Beth gave me a scented candle -- and the scent was "Sex on the Beach" -- it really does smell sort of like that drink tastes. Funny. :-) Sherman gave me two extension modules to The Sims because he is an evil evil man. :-) I'm going to hold off on trying them until I've handed in my papers, though, since I really can't afford to lose entire days at the moment. I gave Kev a pair of flannel pyjama bottoms 'cause he was complaining last week about how jeans weren't so comfortable for lounging around watching tv in. Why he's never just bought a pair himself, I don't know. Men are strange. He keeps asking me what I want for Xmas myself, but I am not so strong on good ideas -- and funnily enough, I find that now that he's no longer my "boyfriend", I don't care as much. It used to be that I couldn't help making it into sort of a big deal -- was it a sufficiently romantic, etc. gift? Now...whatever he gets me will be lovely, whether it's a book or CD or whatever. Which is much more the way gifts should be, so I'm very glad about that.
I've also gotten three Xmas cards! I'm going to take mine along to the bookstore with me, and when I get stuck on my paper, I'll write them instead. I'd be happy to send any of my readers cards -- if you'd like one, send me your address, please. If you sent it last year -- don't worry, I still have it.
I love the holidays.