Then I read a bunch of short stories by some literary-type authors, trying to find some that I can use for BW. Stil hunting for that name author. I hate this part of the process. When I had done as much of that as I could stand, I left Kepler's (nice big independent bookstore in Menlo Park) and went to a little Mexican cafe across the street, which had outlets I cold use. My laptop has been doing this incredibly annoying thing where the batteries work just fine if you unplug it while it's awake, but crash if you wake it up from sleep unplugged and try to use it. Which, of course, is what you need to do if you've brought it from home to work in a cafe without outlets. (Or if you forgot your power cord). Ditto if I reboot it. It's just not happy booting up without being plugged in. I don't understand this at all, and it's driving me a bit crazy. But anyway, as I said, I found a place with outlets, where I got me a yummy little flan and some water and plugged in and put my headphones on and managed to write a teeny tiny 830-word story. I think I like it. I think I can send it to Marcy's Ripe Fruit anthology (erotica about women over 50). We'll see what y'all say.
Then went to see Gaiman read, meeting up with Jed, Susan G., Susan F., Kam, and someone named Eric. Reasonably fun, but I got home late and now I have to run because in fifteen minutes I need to be leaving for the train station so I can go meet up with Andrea, one of the BW editors, in S.F. Until we meet again...