Monday, April 26th, 8-10 p.m.
Book Party at Good Vibes, San Francisco
_The Women's Guide to Sex on the Net_
I'll be speaking there, along with a whole bunch of other net editors and webmasters, including Jane Duvall (Jane's Net Sex Guide), Heather Corrinna (Scarlet Letters), Deborah Puckett (Herotica), Andrea Nemerson (alt.sex.column), etc. There will also be the chance to meet and greet people like Todd Belton and Debby Levinson (mouthorgan), L Michelle (Heartless's Holey Haven), and possibly even Heather Shaw and Kris Hawes (Clean Sheets! :-).
Official blurb follows:
"Say goodbye to tedious surfing and proceed directly to "the good stuff." The Woman's Guide to Sex on the Web points the way to the very best sex sites the Web has to offer, including erotica, art, sex information, parenting resources, shopping, and chat rooms. Come meet authors Anne Semans and Cathy Winks, and listen in on tales of online adventure from the creative and sex-positive people behind some of today's sexiest sites, including Jane's Net Sex Guide, Clean Sheets, Scarlet Letters, Herotica and alt.sex.column."