Let's see -- other news. Well, last night was the Sex Toy Tales reading at Good Vibes. I wasn't reading, but I had great fun, nonetheless. Lydia and Sherman and El came with, and we really enjoyed the reading. El and Lydia got very into the piece by Ray Glass, about the man who builds a sex toy out of electronic and hardware bits. El was particularly thrilled by the man's visit to the hardware store. Slow-moving, variable-speed drills, yum... :-) This is what happens when you have a tech director for a housemate. The other readers were all surprisingly good -- a lot of humor, which plays much better live than on the page. My favorite that night was Alison Tyler's "To Lola, With Love", which is just a little too bizarre for me to be able to describe it, although I was also utterly charmed by Marlo Gayle and his shy reading of "It Looks Like a Flower", which starts with a Mapplethorpe exhibit and ends somewhere else entirely...
Overall, it was way cool meeting so many of the other authors. Alison Tyler turns out to be my editor for that anthology from Masquerade whose name I keep forgetting, the one about dykes and their toys, the one I wrote "Kali" for. And I got to talk to them and to Anne Semans and Cathy Winks (STT editors) about the new erotica magazine...apparently they'd already heard a little about it! :-) Anyway, a blast; some great people, and I'm really looking forward to the reading next week at the S.F. Barnes and Nobles. Two of the authors reading there (with me) were at Good Vibes last night, and oddly enough, one of them I knew from the Poetry Slams (though not well), and the other, Francisco Hulse, wrote my absolute favorite story in the book, "Tea for Three". I can't wait to hear him read from it -- the story made me want to cry, I was so touched...
If you're interested in attending, it's at 2552 Taylor, Wednesday, June 17th, 8 p.m. Hope to see some of you there!
Funny how the world is alternately terrifyingly huge and terrifyingly tiny. :-) Somehow I can't picture this happening in Salt Lake City...