
New food books

In case it’s of interest, I had a gift certificate for $200 in books, and I decided to go all in on food memoir-ish stuff. This is what I’ve ordered: The Language of Baklava, Diana Abu Jaber A Cook’s Tour, Anthony Bourdain My Life in France, Julia Child Home Cooking, Laurie Colwin How to Cook a

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Orchid terrarium tutorial

Recently someone in our garden club asked about how you put together a terrarium. Since our house cleaner also recently knocked over and broke the small terrarium we had (sitting on an overly-tippy end table), I took that opportunity to pick up what I’d really wanted all along — a taller, free-standing terrarium, big enough

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Family tech & habits update

Family tech & habits update: We’re trying to wean the kids from spending so much time passively consuming visual entertainment (Kavi has watched all of Friends TWICE, which just seems wrong), so with the new year, we’re trying something new. We turn off all family devices at 7:30 (bedtime for the 10-year-old is 8:30), so

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Helpful Spacecats

Kavi has discovered the #spacecats can also be very helpful when one is writing return addresses on Christmas cards. (Yes, we haven’t sent out our cards yet. Don’t judge us. They’re coming!) #serendibhome

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