
Solidly happy

Kev and I mostly haven’t done Valentine’s Day gifts, in part because he was sort of anti-Valentine’s Day for a long time, and then there was the long stretch where we were breaking up and getting back together and everything was terribly confusing and often miserable and definitely not romantic. I had some rough Valentine’s

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Ease up, brain!

Woke up from a dream where I was scolding a grad student for avoiding her grading. I don’t supervise any grad students. I *am* the grad student. It’s 7 a.m. on a Saturday, brain, and I’m not even behind on my grading. Ease up!

Ease up, brain! Read More »


  Stephanie may have arrived for our work session yesterday morning to find me standing on my kitchen island, taking this shot of the amaryllis. 🙂 It’s just SO symmetrical! (Vaguely annoyed with self for not adjusting stake to make the stem completely centered in the pot…but that way lies madness, Mary Anne.)   Hm. Wish I’d

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Valentine’s present for Kev and the kids

Valentine’s present for Kev and the kids: 30 minutes with fresh strawberries, dried apples, pears, mangos, crystallized ginger, and four kinds of chocolate.  ***** Same as previous, plus 30 minutes more, drizzled chocolate, powdered dehydrated raspberries, and fresh raspberries stuffed with white chocolate chips. Everything but the ruby chocolate (which I get on Amazon in

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