I also stopped in at Sur La Table and picked up some microfiber dishtowels specially designed for washing glasses (because they'd registered for and gotten a bunch of glasses from other guests), and a nice white apron, and then I embroidered a few wedding motifs onto them. I'm quite pleased with how they came out -- using just the basic chain stitch, I think I got quite a nice, elegant end result. And only about 2-3 hours of work, I think, done while watching re-runs of West Wing. If you're looking for an easy craft to pick up that will give you quick results, I really do recommend embroidery. I love the way these came out. Now I just hope Venu and Sendhil like (and use) them!
Note the little hearts in the spoons. :-) I used one of Kavi's baby spoons for the pattern. Perfect!
I wish I'd gotten a clearer photo of this; I'm particularly happy with how the linked wedding rings came out.