We're going to be here for a little less than a month more, and it's started feeling like we're entering some kind of home stretch. The end of my maternity leave, finishing up various open projects in spare moments. Not that I'm going to be so super-busy when I get back -- I'm teaching one graduate fiction course for Northwestern, which only meets Tuesday evenings, so I should have just as much time at home as I've had this fall (since I won't be taking the Tamil class anymore). Of course, some of that time will be taken up by prep and grading, but still. And Kevin will be home more -- he has a big pile of admin work to do next spring, many committees, so he'll be going into campus most days. But he won't be staying 9-5 nearly as often as he has this fall. Hopefully, it'll be pretty easy for us to switch off shifts with baby so we can both get a good amount of work done. We'll see.
Anyway, they're all asleep, so I'm going to steal this time to try to work on one of those backlogged projects. I'm still too groggy to write, but I can upload photos in my sleep. I'm putting all the Sri Lanka photos in a Flickr set, so you guys can finally see them all properly. I'm excited. Got about 190 photos up yesterday, quite a few to go. Here's a question -- if the full set ends up being about 300 photos, would you prefer it all in one big slideshow, or should I break them up by city? (I.e., Colombo, train ride, Kandy, etc.)
I think breaking it up by city is best. I, at least, am likely to confuse one city with another, otherwise.
Oh, they’ll all be labelled — I’m doing titles now, and plan to add descriptions for most of them. So it’s just a question of whether getting the whole set at once is too overwhelming.
One problem with breaking it up is that some cities I have tons of photos, and some I have almost none, so the sets would be very uneven. 🙁
I vote for breaking it down. I don’t mind uneven sets, or perhaps you could combine a small set with a larger set, if they are close in geography or time. But all in one huge clump gets overwhelming really quickly.