- send hardcopy of updated CV to Sandra Chapman
- check on payments for Assessment project scheduled for August 16, 2006
- check automatic payment for student loans
- update newsletter lists
- make half-dozen overdue phone calls
- call Sharad re: NetIP conference
- go to campus, meet with two students
- get the fall 06 MFA course descriptions up on the CW website
- finish reading Monica's manuscript, meet with her
- hand in receipts
- make sure contest entries judged
- schedule doctor
- schedule dentist
- schedule haircut
- do legal minimum paperwork (medical power of attorney, will)
- prep for Rasaka Meeting
- reserve Ganz hall
- get guitar fixed
- buy 3 tickets for play
- set up DesiLit Online Workshop
- send SLF checks
- evaluate Becky
- exercise
- lose fifteen to thirty pounds