Kev told me that it's supposed to snow tomorrow, so after I scanned in the most urgent work for my Roosevelt students, I spent a couple of hours moving things around on the roof, prepping the garden for winter. It's super-windy up there, so there was a fair bit of hauling stuff over to the one wall, in the hopes that they won't fall down so much.
I still need to winterize the roses in their pots -- not that I'm exactly sure what that entails. Should I even try, or should I just bring them inside? They're pretty big pots, but not *too* heavy to carry, if Kev helps. Advice?
I still haven't had lunch or hauled things out of my car. I think I'll do the latter first, then get lunch while running errands. Hopefully I'll be home by 4-ish and can finish up my poor last student for Vermont, who has been waiting most patiently for my comments on her packet.