Yesterday and today I've been really trying to catch up on CS and AE stuff, which is great, but I have several papers left to grade (late papers and the group projects), and I really would like to do some of the reading for the lit crit class...otherwise I might as well not go, and it's really helpful having a class to talk some of this stuff out -- it's dense and hard to manage on its own. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with work...unsurprising, since it's the end of the semester. I guess I just quietly keep plodding along...only two weeks left, and then a nice break. (Well, I'll still be doing AE stuff certainly, and probably CS, but the other things will be over...)
Finished drafting the Sri Lanka gallery pages. Still need to fix the pics, but the spread is up. Yes, I should have been grading. It's a compulsion -- and one I probably should have resisted, because at the moment I'm feeling tired and melancholy, and I'm afraid that seeped into the photo commentary. Ah well...