Agreed to do an interview with Axios

Agreed to do an interview with Axios re: polyamory, which feels a little weird timing-wise with the big break-up last week, but we didn’t talk about that at all, thankfully.

It’s a think piece on how poly has become much more visible in the mainstream the last few years, and she wanted to know why I thought that was, and I didn’t really have any substantive ideas, but I threw a few half-formed thoughts her way. I may have mentioned A03 and kids these days. 🙂

I also couldn’t refrain from some reading suggestions, so she got pointed to “Coming of Age in Karhide,” _The Left Hand of Darkness_, and _The Ethical Slut_.

I also got to define ‘limerence’ and ‘compersion’, so that was fun.

The piece will be up next week. If I said anything particularly stupid, please forgive me; it’s been a rough couple of weeks.

I thought about just skipping it, but I always worry about who they’ll ask instead of me, and what if they say something even stupider (and more damaging) than what I would have said…

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