Welcoming the New SLF Librarian

Really delighted to welcome Dr. Phoenix Alexander on as the Speculative Literature Foundation (www.speclit.org) Librarian! In his day job, he’s the Librarian for Science Fiction and Fantasy at UC Riverside. He’s also a writer himself! But he’s going to find some time to help us out a bit!

We had a great meeting over breakfast at ICFA today, discussing various projects he could help with. Two strong possibilities:

1) Collecting syllabi and lesson plans!

Imagine that you’re teaching a course on Afrofuturism, for example; you might find a half-dozen syllabi on our site that you could use as starting points. Or maybe you’re a high school teacher looking to teach a science lesson about something ecofuturist — you could start with some lessons shared on our site, featuring links to SF short stories.

I think he’s going to probably start on that project soon, so expect to see me posting a request for material shortly. (You’d retain all copyright; you’d just be gifting us the right to include it on our site.)

2) Indexing podcasts!

There are so many spec lit podcasts putting out a ton of great author interviews, craft lessons, business of writing conversations, and more. But there’s a discoverability problem — many people don’t habitually listen to podcasts, or they may only listen to one or two.

I’d love people to be able to come to our site and put in, say, “Nalo Hopkinson,” and pull up a dozen different podcast interviews with her. Or they could search for something like “how to get an agent” and get a list of links to various agent conversations.


That sounds pretty good for starting out with. 🙂 Once Phoenix gets the projects up and running, he may be looking for volunteers / interns to help out with gathering material, so if you’re interested, keep an eye out for that too. (Or you could just let us know right now, and we’ll reach out to you later…)

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