Traveling With an Injury

Traveling with sprained ankle update: Would it have been worth reinjuring the sprained ankle to do this visit to Hawai’i? No. But was it worth having a sort of achey travel day yesterday, and a slightly swollen foot at the end of it? Emphatically yes, especially since I get to spend three days writing in what has become one of my favorite rooms on the planet. Thanks, Alex Gurevich and Christa Grenawalt for the loan of space!

I’m very glad that I graduated to the boot, which could be easily taken off on the plane for the long flight. Also glad my ankle ligaments are stabilizing enough that I could travel with just one forearm crutch instead of two — I was a little worried about managing luggage with two crutches; all the advice I was seeing mostly says don’t even try, get a big backpack or a duffel or a small crutch bag to hang on the crutch.

I didn’t really want to invest in more gear, but with just one crutch, I could use my spinner suitcase in the other hand for a little more stability, wear a backpack, and walk around the airport just fine, at least for the short stretches when I wasn’t in a wheelchair.

Now I have fed myself a simple breakfast (toasted cheddar on multigrain bread drizzled with cold-pressed local honey, so good), had my tea and meds. Time to write.

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