Just One More Push

Writing retreat, Santa Fe. Slept in a little — was tired. Woke up, had breakfast, wrote a post about how to do writing retreats like this, then got a message from George asking if I wanted to stop by and have coffee, so of course I said yes.

Nice taking half an hour to talk; we ended up chatting a lot about writer names, how we try to figure out what’s marketable, and also about the history of Sri Lanka. Rambling conversation, pleasant start to day.

Then settled down to write. Doing hopefully final revisions for a Jump Space story, going through my notes from workshop. I do love a workshopper who is kind enough to open with a positive note; makes it much easier to face the rest of the critique! (Thank you, Laurel Winter!)

Despite the snow on the ground, it’s actually warm enough to write outside today, which is splendid — I just feel like I can breathe better. So I’m sitting on the back patio of this little house, glancing periodically at the piney trees, sunlight on snow, taking deep breaths, sipping my tea, listening to the steady trickle of snow melt running off the roof.

When this story is done, then I’ll switch to the novel. So close to done now. Just one more push…

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