Lazy Day

First unscheduled day in a long time. I have various tasks, but I don’t actually have to go anywhere today. I probably will go to the OPALGA potluck this evening, though because they are fun and the food is usually great, and oh, that gives me an excuse to try that chickpea thing I’ve been wanting to try, I should start the chickpeas soaking now, eight hours is the same as overnight, right?
I might also take the kids swimming at the Y if they still feel like it when they get home from school; Anand was asking.
But otherwise, just putter at home. I have gazillion things I want to do, of course. The main thing is Wild Cards — I need to finish the ending & revise a bunch re: Melinda’s notes. I’m hoping to finish that draft today, but if not today, then definitely tomorrow. And then there should only be minor edits after that, which means that next week I get to really dive back into my own universes again. Although Kevin thinks I should maybe take a week off, because it’s been pretty intense around here lately. A week still teaching, of course, and with several evening events and other commitments, but not trying to write. I dunno. My New England work ethic is shrieking a bit at the very thought, but perhaps I can muffle it with a cozy blanket and big pots of tea.
Other things that should get done today — track down the kids’ passports, which involves cleaning my office. The grandparents are taking us all to Mexico over Thanksgiving (family Christmas present), which will be great, but they need passports. (We’ll be in Tulum.) Answer all backlogged phone calls on cell and landline. Request copy of doctor records from old pediatrician to bring to new pediatrician. Schedule ADD evaluations for kids. Pick up new bike — oh, I guess I do have to leave the house, but that’s just walking three blocks up, which is acceptable, and I will try to *not* walk into the yarn store next door to the bike shop (that was sneaky of them). Oh, if I’m going out anyway, try taking Anand’s broken device to computer store up the street to see if they can at least retrieve his data off it, poor monkey.
And then there’s the garden stuff — put down some new grass seed over patchy areas, divide irises, maybe move some things around — it’s finally not blazing hot, and it’s raining, which is a good for transplanting. I’d plant tulips and alliums, but it may be too wet for that today; I’ll wait.
My lazy days are not that lazy. Maybe I’ll start with a little Grey’s Anatomy, coffee, and knitting, just to set the right tone. 🙂

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