WisCon Saturday

WisCon Saturday recap, go. Had a really lovely morning eating breakfast with HaddayrBenjamin, and David, followed by lunch with Benjamin and family, David Moles and family, and Jackie. Some of my favorite people at this con (on this planet, actually), and I got to spend hours and hours talking with them, which put me in a great mood for the rest of the day. Sometimes cons are big enough that you go days without seeing the people you most want to see, or having time to have conversations with them; I really ought to be better about arranging meals in advance to avoid that problem. But yesterday, the stars aligned in my favor.

I even got to process some of the life things that have been bugging me — I said it in opening ceremonies, and it’s true; WisCon is my therapy. I ought to pay someone for the privilege of coming here and working out my issues, personal, writing, or otherwise.

After the long and lingering meals, I went to my Metaphorical Minorities panel, which went well, and then joined other Aqueduct Press authors for a reading. I read from a short story I have upcoming in Asimov’s (July, I think), and I admit, I was nervous about it, because it has some complex political *things*, for an identity that is not my own, and I was quite worried that I had gotten something terribly wrong (despite doing my due diligence research in advance), and that someone at WisCon would point out the errors of my ways. Which might mean that I’d have to go to Sheila and say I’d done this terrible thing and maybe she didn’t want to publish my story after all, or at least maybe could give me the chance to fix the thing.

I didn’t get through reading the whole story for lack of time, but I got through most of the political stuff and no one came up to scold me afterwards, so while the proof will be in the actual publishing pudding, I *am* feeling a bit better and that I should just stop fretting about this and let the little story fly out into the world (I did already sign a contract, after all), and trust my judgement and Sheila’s judgement. It may not be perfect, but I think the story is worthwhile, and worth discussing. Maybe that’s all I should hope for. If I did mess up in some way, well, I’ll find out, and try to do better next time.

Afterwards, I….did something I don’t remember? For an hour? Hm, weird. Then met Jed for dinner, driving out for delicious Sri Lankan at KJ’s Curry Bowl, and may I say once again that it is appalling that Chicago doesn’t have a Sri Lankan restaurant? It is appalling. And unfair. I want idiyappam for breakfast and kottu roti for lunch and I want egg hoppers for special occasions and I want to not have to cook it myself and that doesn’t seem too much to ask, does it?

Then I collapsed in the room for an hour and watched tv, because I was tired, my people. Then Ben’s daughter Aviva and I babysat an adorable munchkin for a bit (and thanks to Noah and Aviva for their advice on managing my children’s screen time; I think it will be very helpful as we transition into a summer schedule). And then I was re-energized, so I changed into my Tolkien map leggings and went to dance at the Floomp, where they were much admired. Photos will emerge soon, I’m sure. I repeat for those interested that I picked them up pretty affordably at the Online Leggings Store. Next — wearing them to the gym. And in the streets. Should be fun. 🙂

Dancing went late late late (thanks to the Floomp organizers, much fun as always!), and then there was bed around 3:30, and that was Saturday at WisCon. And then I had to get up for an 8:30 panel today, but that is a story for another post.

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