I am, of course, a little bummed about not getting the award. Yes, it's an honor to be nominated, and I will likely feel fine about it tomorrow, and I was quite chill going in, but it's impossible not to get excited and anxious when they're pulling the name of the winner out of the little envelope. This happened when SH was up for a Hugo too -- you start writing your acceptance speech in your head at the last minute, because it suddenly occurs to you that you might actually win. And then you don't, and it's a bit crushing, and you feel like everyone is looking at you and pitying you. Which, of course, they aren't. Mostly.
Ah well. Tomorrow I'm meeting up with Delia Sherman & Ellen Kushner at their place, which I am looking forward to, followed by lunch with Sheila Williams and dinner with Shmuel Ross. So I have scheduled some nice consolatory pleasures for the day. And you never know -- the Lammies are Monday. I might actually win. And at least if I don't, I'll get to wear my fancy sari again. That's always nice.