Instead, I'm going to turn off Facebook for four hours, and then my plan is to a) mow the lawn, b) file an overdue reimbursement, c) put together my promotion materials and send them to my department, d) have a potentially intriguing phone conversation, e) meet with Neha and do some office organization, and then f) send her off to mail pins and checks for the SLF. (It's nice to send people hefty checks for their writing. I do love it so.)
This afternoon, go to campus to meet with colleague, drop off Rohan's hat, and then come home to weed dandelions, burdock, and wild garlic mustard. My main goals this week are to get the house and garden back in reasonable order (things are running a bit amuck, and it stresses me out), go to WisCon and have a great and relaxing time. And then next week Tuesday, start summer writing.