To that end, if you feel so moved, I would love it if you would post or e-mail me a line you like that I've written. Fiction, poetry, essay -- I don't care. If you don't feel like quoting something, you could just tell me which piece you liked, and/or why. If you feel super-motivated, you could write a nice review on Amazon, which might actually contribute to my being able to sell one of these books I'm trying to finish up. But posts and e-mail are also super-cool.
I've been writing for twenty years now (eep!), and I'm curious what out of everything I've written actually resonates with people, what stays with them. But mostly, I think a big accumulation of readerly praise would be an AWESOME birthday present. :-)
And then after my birthday, whenever I'm feeling low about my writing (which is, you know, every day or so), I could come back and read it again.
Oh, and if you by some chance have managed to not read anything of mine, aside from these long rambly posts, I should probably mention that lots of my fiction and poetry and essays are available for free on my webpage. Enjoy, hopefully. :-)
Happy birthday tomorrow, anyway, plans or no!
“Jump Space” – the whole thing changed me, for the first time putting ME in the protagonist’s role. It was like a breath after a lifetime in vacuum.
I have your blessings poem up in my bathroom so I can see it every morning as a reminder of what life’s really like before all the crappy stuff starts. 🙂