Well, I was cranking…

Well, I was cranking along very merrily on my revision, a chapter a day since Tuesday, just as I'd hoped, and then I realized that I really wasn't happy with one aspect of the opening chapters, and I talked it over with Kevin, and we figured out how to fix it, I think, but it's going to mean making a bunch of changes to the parts I thought were done. Which, on the one hand, is a little frustrating, because I do so love forward progress. And on the other hand, is very good, because it's fixing a problem and the book will be much better as a result.

Sometimes I have to overcome my laziness in order to write well.

What do I mean, sometimes? All the time.

No real schedule today, except possibly go to stained glass class from 2-4. I took my piece over to the house on Thursday and propped it up in the window where it'll be going -- I think it's nice. I have some issues with it, but oh well; that's just an excuse to come back and redo it in a few years, when I've gotten more skilled. I'll put up the photos and some scans of the design in the following entry in a bit.

Mostly, though, today will be for hanging with the family. We promised Kavi she can have a new bike (her last one was for 1-yr-olds, so she's sadly outgrown it), so at some point after Kev's woken up we'll go get that. And I still have many things to clean; I'm think I'm going to try to coax Kevin into taking on the disaster that is our pantry. Most things, I prefer to organize myself, but organizing a pantry really is pretty straightforward. Ours is divided like this, top to bottom:

  • tall things that don't fit elsewhere
  • baking supplies (we don't bake often, so these are okay high enough I need a stepladder)
  • Italian shelf on left, miscellaneous on right
  • Sri Lankan on left, other Asian on right
  • oils, vinegars, remaining spices
  • rice, potatoes, onions, garlic
Baby food has been sort of crammed in there, but thankfully, Anand is pretty close to done with baby food. He has no patience now for being fed -- he wants things he can pick up and eat himself. Hot dogs and bananas are the big hits at the moment, and he doesn't seem to mind that when he's wandering around with a hot dog in his hand, Ellie follows him step-by-step.

I think the pantry organization will be similar at the new house, except that we're going to have some open shelving where the Sri Lankan spices will live since I use them so often and they're pretty, and I think some baskets for onions and such in the island.

We'll be ordering our kitchen cabinets soon, so if you have an opinion on essential components to have in the cabinets, now would be a great time to speak up. What do you love in your kitchen, that you couldn't live without, that makes your life easier? What seemed like a good idea at the time, but now seems like sort of wasted space?

3 thoughts on “Well, I was cranking…”

  1. Drawers! Get big drawers for as many of your base cabs as you can. Totally eliminates the problem of having to get down on your hands and knees to find stuff at the back. Just pull it on out and instantly be able to view everything in there! My new kitchen is all drawers, and I love it.

  2. Get the microwave up into the lower shelf of the wall cabinets and off the countertop. It frees up so much space that can be used when there are multiple dishes being prepared.
    I second the opinion of drawers in the base cabinets. Our new base cabinets only have a couple of places with doors and shelves for really heavy items that would wear on the drawers.
    Tall pull out pantry cabinets with several different size drawers are great for organizing cans, boxes and bottles.
    Some over the refrigerator cabinets have the pull out drawer feature so one doesn’t need a stool to access the back of them.
    And consider an under sink locking cabinet to keep the kids out of the cleansers and chemicals.
    And of course a small temperature controlled wine cabinet. Never know if you might come into possession of a bottle of Dom Perignon.

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