Someone sent a note…

Someone sent a note saying they'd reviewed my book in Tamil, back in 2005. Sadly, my Tamil classes didn't come anywhere near equipping me to read this review. This has got to come pretty high on the list of writer frustrations! It's a long review, too!

And then there are the nineteen comments -- but from the bits of English interspersed, I don't think they're mostly about my book. But I don't know that for sure!

1 thought on “Someone sent a note…”

  1. Hi Mary! His review is pretty good. He has actually summarized each of the stories, explained what affected him in your words and how, and finished the review writing about your ethnic background influencing your writing. He compares your and Maya Arutprakasam’s writing and questions why other Sri Lankan writers are hesitant to write candidly. Congrats on a relaly nice review. The comments are mostly folks wanting to read the book.

    Let me know if you would like a complete translation.


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