- fed the baby
- gotten him back to sleep, which let me...
- have a quick sandwich and tea, check my morning blogs (about a dozen, mostly not updated)
- wash a metric ton of dishes while watching an episode of Desperate Housewives on Hulu (I stopped watching for a year or two, but now that I'm living in the suburbs, the show has become newly relevant to me)
- fed the baby again
- propped him up to play in his basket -- Anand can now sit and play for a half hour or so by himself, a new development this week which makes our lives so much better! That let me...
- take some yarn photos and blog about them
- change the suddenly ridiculously poopy baby, in the process getting poop all over a blanket (chenille, which will have to be dry-cleaned), his clothes and changing pad towel, and my shirt
- put poopy stuff in the laundry and changed my shirt
- dressed the baby, fed him again, and put him down to hopefully nap for half an hour...
- started a second cup of tea
- and I was planning to exercise, but I think I hear Kavi stirring, so next is getting her up and changed and fed milk and breakfast...
Oh, and I just managed to tear a huge hole in my favorite pyjama pants, which I have worn to thin threads. They were so comfy. Sigh.
A metric ton is a lot of dishes…