December 2008 Writing…

December 2008 Writing Workshops (online only)

 Beginner Fiction / Nonfiction Writing

In this three-week online workshop, you'll work through a series of exercises designed to introduce you to the basics of writing fiction or creative nonfiction. We'll explore basic elements of fiction/non-fiction writing: plot, dialogue, fundamental points of view, setting, description. Participants will read and critique each others' exercises, writing three each week. The exercises will build on each other, so that by the end of the workshop, you should be ready to write a complete short story or essay. No experience needed.

 Intermediate Fiction / Nonfiction Writing

In this three-week online workshop, you'll work through a series of exercises designed to further explore the craft of writing fiction or creative nonfiction. Participants are expected to submit and critique an entire short story each, in addition to doing regular exercises. We'll aim towards powerful stories with rich and compelling characters, while also exploring more advanced elements of fiction/non-fiction craft: varied points of view, time jumps, narrative styles, structure. This class is appropriate for writers who have been writing for some time and are ready to start sending stories out (or who are already submitting pieces).

 Writing Sexuality

In this three-week online workshop, you'll work through a series of exercises focused on writing around sexuality. Whether you're interested in erotica, mainstream fiction with sexual themes/scenes, or sexually explicit nonfiction, these exercises will help you develop language and craft skills to help you become a stronger, more powerful writer of sexual literature. Participants will read and critique each others' exercises, writing three each week. The exercises will build on each other, so that by the end of the workshop, you should be ready to write a complete short story or essay. No experience needed.


For more details on class requirements, dates, and cost, please visit the class web page.

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