If I lived in California, I'd be voting No on 8.
If I were a U.S. citizen, I'd be voting for Obama.
If by some strange chance you are reading this and are undecided on either (or voting for the other side but willing to debate it), I would be happy to talk about the topics further, either in comments or in e-mail.
Thank you, and good luck, America.
Also, if you’re in South Dakota, vote NO on Prop. 11. They’re trying to ban abortion in that state!!
At this point in the election, I think what’s needed is mostly not so much a matter of convincing people of a particular view, but more getting people who are already convinced to (a) go out and vote, and (b) make sure that their ballot actually reflects their views.
Part (b) is more important than usual this year. For example:
* In some parts of the country, there’s a ballot that lets you vote a straight party ticket. If you’re a Democrat, you check a box to vote for all Democratic candidates; if you’re a Republican, you check a box to vote for all Republican candidates. Unfortunately, that box doesn’t apply to the Presidential vote, which is on a separate part of the ballot. It will be very easy for people to check that box and think they’ve voted for President, when they haven’t. So it’s important to remind people to read their ballots carefully.
* In CA, a remarkable number of people think (incorrectly) that if they want to say yes to same-sex marriage, they should vote yes on 8. We’re trying to get the word out that that’s wrong. To preserve same-sex marriage in CA, vote No on 8. Again this is a case where reading the ballot carefully should prevent problems.
* There are fears that some people will go to the polls, vote for President, and not bother to look at the rest of the ballot, so may not vote on important issues.
Part (a) may also be unusually important this year, because if people think their candidate is going to easily win (or if, say, they live in CA and their candidate is clearly winning out East before the polls close here), they may not bother to go vote.
I am so ashamed of my fellow Californians. It never ceases to amaze me how people can be so biggotted and hateful. I’m not sure which is worse, people who actually believe in Prop 8, or people who blindly voted for it because their “faith” told them to. Clearly, religion is the root of all evil in this world.