Super-coolness. Just…

Super-coolness. Just picked up a syllabus that was left in the copy machine, noted that it was for "Intro to Multi-Ethnic Literature," read through the required book list, only to find Bodies in Motion at the end of the list. YAY!!! I think that's the first time I've heard of my book being on a syllabus. So very very very very very very cool.

The teacher's a Ph.D. student here at UIC -- not someone I've ever met, I think. Now I have to find out how she decided to put my book on her syllabus...

3:30 update -- I got curious and googled my book and 'syllabus' and I found another one. :-)

3 thoughts on “Super-coolness. Just…”

  1. Somehow, I stumbled on one of your poems, and used it in my blog this past weekend. When I did, several readers said they wanted to dash off and google you to see who you were, so you have fans all over! I thought I’d just let you know…I really enjoyed your poem. Again, I have no idea how I found it but I will have to look for more of your work. Lovely!


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