- Make annual vet appointment (DONE)
- Try too-small clothes at consignment shop (DONE)
- Invite workshop students to join local writing group (DONE)
- Make agenda for DesiLit admin meeting Thursday (DONE)
- Hold DesiLit admin chat (DONE)
- Finish and send out the christening thank you's. Yes, I should have done this in December. Don't remind me. (DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
- Draft syllabi (LIT DONE, CW WORKING)
- Finish reading Updike best of the century anthology (for syllabus) (WORKING)
- Research local daycares and make appointments to visit them (WORKING)
- Schedule appointment to go to Devon and get sari blouses made for bridesmaids and matron of honor (me) in Sharmi's wedding (WAITING ON E-MAIL RESPONSE)
- Schedule room for Sorayya Khan reading
- Make appointments for annual ultrasound and bloodwork
- Make appointment for semi-annual dentist visit and cleaning (ick)
- Make appointment for Kevin to go to the doctor, because he hasn't been in at least a decade and it's probably time
- Revise "Sequins"
- Revise difficult chapter of Arbitrary Passions that I've been avoiding
- Help Kevin clean grill (we had to bring it inside because they're sealing the wood on our balconies today, and have been confronted with how truly filthy it is)
- Move the Thai pepper plants that have gotten overshadowed by bigger habanero and serrano pepper plants, so they have a chance of actually growing; possibly move serranos too -- heck, move all of them. Plus some tomatoes.
- Donate remaining too-small clothes
- Apply for citizenship.
- Renew expired Sri Lankan passport.
The Return of the To-Do…
The Return of the To-Do List: