Office set-up continues. I tacked up $20 worth of curtains from World Market (Jaipur Shanti pattern) over a wall with many dents and dings and cracked paint. I would have rather just painted, but I don't think I get to do that, and although they promise they're planning to paint the offices eventually, god knows when. So curtains on a wall -- it's a bit random and Martha Stewart, but the wall does look better. The rug I picked up at Target is sadly too small, too bright, and the wrong color, so that goes back. Brought in a brown tablecloth to cover the ratty plastic folding table in the back of the room (thought of just getting rid of the table, but it might end up useful, so will wait and see.) I didn't have the energy to move my mini fridge in, so that's still sitting in the car, waiting to be installed. Is fresh milk for your tea (instead of powdered) worth a $50 fridge? I say yes, especially since I'm planning to basically be on campus from 9-5 or so M/W/F this fall. That's a lot of tea.
Office now has: an electric kettle, tea, splenda and the obligatory funny 'teacher' mug, plus a desk clock and several framed photos of Sri Lanka. Office could still use: an armchair (will hopefully be able to request from supply), a desk lamp (ditto), a standing lamp (ditto). Any of those I can't get the department to provide, I think I'll buy -- I'm going to be in this office for at least three years, and I want to be comfy. Despite the terrifying Brutalist architecture of the UIC campus and my office, coziness is on the horizon. :-) Also need some plants for the terrarium (a good way of keeping office plants alive, since they conserve humidity when you aren't going to be water regularly). Plus maybe some more photos for the other wall. And of course, books. :-)