Today, I've mostly been working, with only a bit of web browsing. I thought this was a really interesting article on children's sleep -- apparently, kids today are habitually getting an hour less sleep a night than their parents did, with serious consequences for their brains' development.
Sleep, Kavi, sleep! :-)
Speaking of which, she didn't do so much of that last night. Or more accurately, she chose to wake at inconvenient times for mommy, dragging me out of deep dreaming. Sigh. I decided between that and a mild cold and my aches and pains from yesterday's fall to actually cut class today. I'm hoping that I can use the time productively -- so far, I've been diligently studying Tamil for more than an hour. We have a mid-term next week, and even though I don't actually get graded for this course, I'd like to do well, of course. I've been feeling like I've been falling behind a bit, so with luck, I can catch up today while Mya watches baby. So far, I've solidified my vocabulary/spelling for pronouns, relatives, body parts, and sixteen other basic vocab words (name, city, country, book, house, student, yes, no, table, pen, tree, picture, flower, garden, food, all). Lots more to go!