- I had a doctor's appointment yesterday -- I am healing on schedule, and am now cleared to drive again. Still not allowed to lift anything heavier than the baby, though.
- My little sister Sharmila (pictured right) and Ryan (recently upgraded from boyfriend to fiance :-) arrived on Sunday, on their way driving a U-Haul to their new jobs as interns at Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia. They stayed through until this morning (5:30 a.m., eep).
- Kevin's dad, Ron, arrived on Saturday, and has just now departed, after much cuddling of his first grandchild.
- My sister Mirna had a big dinner party (40 guests) at her house, and I was recovered enough to help her with cooking -- which did actually make me very tired. Apparently I am not quite 100% yet.
- Kavya has taken to eating lots more, at more frequent intervals; Kevin and I are getting very tired. She's keeping it pretty much down, though, so I don't think we're overfeeding her -- it's probably just a growth spurt. So far, my milk supply is keeping up, but just barely. She ate 22 ounces yesterday -- a big jump from the 16 ounces of a week ago.
- A plumber came by today and ran water up to a new faucet on the roof, something we've been planning to have done since we moved in here. It should make watering much easier -- up 'til now, we've been hooking up the hose to the shower a floor below, running it out through the bathroom and the nursery and up the stairs and out the door to the roof. Hopefully, we can get a handyman out tomorrow to fix the drywall and it'll be all done.
- In almost every free moment, we've been having long conversations about the best housing options for us this fall. It's complex, but we should have a decision soon.
That's what's happening around here. Did I mention that we are very tired?