Kavya’s First Trip to…

Kavya's First Trip to the Park

Being strapped into my stroller makes me mad!

Mommy thinks Daddy looks so cute carrying me while wearing his sleek urban diaper bag. Does she not realize that *I* am the sole source of cuteness in this photo?

I got tired and took a nap on a blanket. My puppy stood guard.

5 thoughts on “Kavya’s First Trip to…”

  1. Oh so very adorable. Sorry I haven’t been responding much lately… I just wanted to send a little congratulatory yay. So happy for you guys, really looking forward to having you closer for a while soon. Right? Thank you for all the lovely posts and pics- even if I do read them at 2 a.m. these days, when I’m too tired to write coherently.

    Big Hugs- J

  2. I love the one with Ellie – my caption – “I don’t know what this thing is you brought home but I’ll take good care of it for you.”

  3. Hi MA and Kevin,

    Shannon told me your great news and I wanted to send my best wishes to all. I’ve been perusing through yours posts and kudos for being so open with your experience. As I came across the photo of Kevin and Kavya, I wanted to post a little poem about men and their baby daughters. I wrote this recently down here in Mexico and was inspired by the doting father/baby daughter relationships that I’ve observed.


    Atop papa’s arm, a perfect little princess with wide, open eyes,
    Showered with kisses, love, adoration
    A beautiful bird perched atop a mountain.
    Seeing all, safe from harm
    Open, vast unseen plumes of color
    Protected by his hand when not catching iridescent tears. He’ll know before they fall.

  4. Mary Anne Mohanraj

    Julia, thanks for the poem and good wishes — so sweet. Andrea, your caption made me laugh!

    Glad y’all are enjoying the posts and photos. I know no one else is as fascinated with how the baby looks *today* as we are, but it’s nice to know that you’re still enjoying the pics. 🙂

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