I'm just enthusiastic, and super-excited about the possibilities of this job, hoping I can do good teaching, and be of good help with admin and growing the program -- I am bursting with ideas right now, and I need to rein them in. There's still so much for me to learn about the department and how things work at Roosevelt. There will be time for finding out which of my ideas are feasible and/or desirable. It doesn't all have to be done at once. But tell the back of my brain that. It's not listening to me.
I couldn't sleep last night; just dozed, off and on, for much of the night. Every time I woke, I felt my heart start to race. I don't think I would have even managed dozing if the tv (volume set very low) hadn't helped. Despite my current exhaustion, I'm still tense and revved up right now, even though orientation is over and there isn't anything more to do for school until next Tuesday (well, except for various small bits of paperwork). Must calm down somehow. Will try exercise next I think, and hope that does some good.
I’m sure they’ll like you once they get to know you. The people who interviewed you are predisposed to like you, so they’ll feel like they made the right decision. Hugs!