While I was working, Kevin wandered off and came back having bought a bike. Hopefully this will make his new commute to work easier. I'm tempted to get a bike too, but am too scared of city biking. I did try his, and I do vaguely remember how to ride a bicycle, but his bike is way too big for me. Maybe I'll just wait and see how much he actually uses his, and whether or not he gets mangled by some scary car or truck.
Used the treadmill for a bit in the evening (yay, me), while watching Star Trek: Generations again. Also cleaned and unpacked. Yes, we're still unpacking. Everything's been hidden away, but some of the closets are extremely confusing. So slowly, I'm going through, pulling out the stuff we crammed into closets, and actually organizing it. Makes life better. I still have several bookshelves to alphabetize, too -- the spec fic is done, but the mainstream and children's have far to go...