I actually did drive to Madison today (rather than getting a ride), and despite Kevin misdirecting me to Milwaukee, I eventually made it here safely. Going to rest a bit (v. tired from various WisCon prep things which always take three times as long as I think they will -- photocopying and the like), then go to tonight's Guest of Honor reading...
I hope it means lots of copies get sold so it makes you rich enough to keep writing without worrying about money. Or even richer.
RE Harris
Congratulations, Mary Anne! Looking forward to seeing Bodies in Motion on the shelves!
Wow! That’s wonderful. I’m eagerly awaiting your book, too. I’ve only ever read two or three of the stories and I can’t wait to read the new ones and see how everything fits in.
Damn! As long as you are listed on the same list as Umberto Eco, who cares about anything else?
Oh yay! That is so awesome, Mary Anne! Kick ass! You are mighty, and so forth!
It really is hard to take in. Thanks, guys!