Pretty groggy now -- I dozed for the first three hours of the flight, but then somehow woke up, and stayed up. Watched a dumb, fun movie, National Treasure, sort of an all-American Indiana Jones-style flick. Not nearly as smart as Indy (and the guy isn't as cute), but still just fine for the middle of the night. Then I played computer games for a bit, and when the computer gave out, I started reading Gregory Maguire's Wicked, which is really marvellous -- even more so if, like me, you were an Oz fan and actually did read a whole bunch of the sequel novels. But I think even if you've only seen the movie, you have enough to totally get and love this book. Highly recommended. Very smart. Very funny.
Oh, I wanted to note that I bought two indulgences for this trip -- an iPod shuffle, and a moleskin notebook. So far, they're both fabulous for travelling -- pleasurable to use, very light, intuitive and appropriately ergonomic. Recommended. If I keep using them this much, they'll be a very worthwhile investment.
No photos of Heathrow, I'm afraid -- I decided I didn't need to make the security people anxious by wandering around an airport taking lots of pictures. I need to get some work done now before my net goes away, but here's a bit of writing from the plane to tide you over.
of flowers, the fairy gift,
and it should be the end
of the story, but if I
can catch my breath
it will be only
the beginning.