Lack of clarity on the…

Lack of clarity on the housing front. Nothing to report yet. Kevin found more stuff in Lincoln Park that we can afford and that's in our price range in the online listings. Now totally torn between Lincoln Park and Wicker Park (is it better to be on the red line or blue line?) -- and West and South Loop still possibilities as well, due to extremely minimal commute with those. I hate having this many options open; my psyche finds it intensely stressful. Will be happy when we can start closing some of them off.

Potluck went well (7 of 8 eggs survived), but I couldn't manage to sit out the meeting; feeling guilty because I missed last month's big retreat meeting and I wanted to get caught up. So did very little work after lunchtime yesterday. In the evening, I did do a bunch of reading of student packages and writing responses, but somehow I have ended up with four half-written responses and no completed ones. Not good. The rest of today is devoted to actually completing and sending back my student responses. Tomorrow, I go back to my novel.

Posted longish entry at DesiLit re: de Krester, Mehta, and Alison Smith. What do these three writers have in common?

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